
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Ghost in the BIOS

      I have an elderly computer, and from time to time, the ghost of the old BIOS rises up and yells at me about my CPU fan not working. I have two fans - one for the CPU and one for the GPU - and this morning, even as the old BIOS beeped at me, both fans were pouring out lovely cool air. Sooner or later, I know I will have to say goodbye to this distinguished elder. The only things I will feel bad about losing are the documents I have saved on there - if there's still time, I'll see what I can do about sending those files to my shiny laptop - and TS3. I am just not sure I will be able to install TS3 to this laptop. I have all the original disks and I think I know how to avoid that bastard patch 1.69, but I don't know how well TS3 will play with Windows 10.

      Meanwhile, I'm typing this post on my laptop. My cat would like to gnaw the cord, but I'm doing my best to keep her away. I have nearly updated everything on the laptop and soon I'll play some Saints Row the Third just because I want to give somebody a solid thumping. I hope the ghost goes away again for a while. I think there's a way to get around the ghost but I cannot recall what that trick is. If any of you have dealt with the curse of American Megatrends and know about this damn ghost, please let me know so I can commiserate.

      No pics today as all of my pics are on the ancient compy. 😢


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Nationalist Whining

      I got so caught up in seeing some of my relatives that I completely forgot the real reason for posting yesterday. Forgive the whining that is to follow, but nobody reads my blog anyway; and it's my stomping ground, so why shouldn't I say what I will?

     I get that White People are Jerks and that the Indigenous community has been kicked around for centuries. Indigenous people deserve far, far better lives than what they keep getting. If the likes of Sitting Bull, Big Bear, and their fellow leaders had known of the messes still to come, they would have done well to tear through the white settlements and set us all to flame, tomahawk, and bullet. I get all this. No amount of money will make up for this enduring tragedy, but that seems to be all White people want to do.

     What is bumming me right out is seeing the Canadian flag at an eternal half-mast. Yes, I know Canada does not have a great deal to be proud about, but damn it, THE FLAG DESERVES BETTER! This is one boomer (brought into being in 1965) that deserves some freaking respect. Can we just bring it back to its traditional place on the damn flagpole, PM Aimless? Maybe for a fortnight and then we can go back to the perpetual funeral? Mourning the deaths of all Indigenous children and people is important, but it's going to be 2035 and the flag will probably still be at half-mast.

     That was all I really had to say. Here a couple of pictures to cheer myself up.



Saturday, October 16, 2021

Angry Friday, Great Saturday

       So my fuse is short. Four-day week because of Thanksgiving (Canadians first, ye Yanks) but that was three days too longer for my lack of good temper. I was not the only one who felt this way. Burnout and it's just October. That was yesterday, anyway. Today I went to my cousin's baby shower - we were all double vaxxed - and I got to see (and hug) some of the best extended family members I know. My memère is going to get a fourth great-grandchild next month. Girls outnumber boys in my family, and have for three generations. My memère had four daughters and one son; at my level, there are three grandsons vs. six granddaughters. At the next level down, there are two girls and one boy, and a third girl on the way.

     It was a lovely baby shower. My cousin got everything but the kitchen sink in the gifting, and she had insisted we not play any games. My esteem for her was already high, but it went through the roof today. Anyway, it's been a while since I posted anything so here you go. It rained a bit this past week but is clear and cool today. I also got to meet my other cousin's son - the last time I saw him, he was in his mom's belly. So many hugs. The little guy has a perfectly frowny face and fusses a little. Moves like a snake across the floor if you put him on his stomach.

    That's all I have for you. No pics today.