
Saturday, January 23, 2021

A three-week pause for breath

     The wise minds have decided to relax restrictions in southern Manitoba for a few weeks as our numbers seem to be trending downward. Everything is available to purchase without needing to be online for some of it. Will this three-week pause last longer? Given the way society is, probably not. For now, it's time to frolic and bust a move!

     Okay, forget I said that. Geez, I'm ancient. Anyway, I would give all of my nonexistent thousands for more people to apply to supervise at lunch at my school. We need more bodies out there with the kids, honestly. I get that the pay is poor and it's only an hour or two a day; but for the love of Sri Krishna, we need more help! I wonder if all the schools are going through this right now? Perhaps our Superintendent could think about raising the pay (if just for now) to make lunch supervision more attractive. Not the easiest job to make attractive, mind you.

     I'm rereading Pema Chödrön's 'The places that scare you' and I've reached the chapter where she talks about tonglen - the exchanging of feelings by breath. Breathing in another's darkness and breathing out lightness upon that other. It takes a lot of courage to do that. I haven't reached that point yet, but I am (half-heartedly) practicing bodhichitta. My miserable fragment of merit is available to anyone who needs that tiny little bit to give them the needed boost. I actually picked up some books from the library the other day. Time to focus on library books and give books from home a rest.

      Anything else? No sims pics today. I've already yammered on enough.



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