
Monday, January 13, 2020

Either it's a spark or I'm just afraid of getting old

      A million years ago (in the 80s), 2020 was futuristic-sounding. Dwelling upon this year has taken up a considerable amount of my grey matter. In my library I have a bulletin board and I usually post the new releases for the kids. Earlier this year I did a board on Banned Books Week but I decided to start January off with something different.

      I met with the Gr. 6 teachers and called on them to get their students working on questions and predictions for this year. The bulletin board is not yet full up but I should be done by the end of the week. At least, I hope it will happen.

      Other than that, Anne McCaffrey (rest well) should have stuck to Pern. I finished reading 'Changelings', which was her duet with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. It might make an okay middle school book but I found it to be such a snore. That is about all for now.


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