
Thursday, August 29, 2019

A quick note

My neighbours had a party to celebrate the end of their renovations. They bought a garden gnome and decided to hold a gnome naming contest. My offering won some votes but it was not the winner. The winning name has a great history and is connected to our community so it all worked out.

So Labour Day approacheth. A welcome three-day weekend. The kids come back at the end of next week. Yeah, I'm back to work already. It had to happen and I was ready to go back. There will be more Quiet Man stories coming but I've decided to pause until September.

Normally I don't post as often as I've been doing but the Quiet Man kept me busy. Once the last two chapters are ready to go, I fear I have nothing else to write about. Maybe I'll give a family story a go but I am not sure.

That is all for the time being.


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