
Monday, June 10, 2019


      I attended a celebration of life of my aunt's second husband. She was married once before, as was he. They met at a 'new beginnings' meeting and soon grew very close. He'd struggled with the savage Crab in the past and we all thought he'd beaten it but you know how tenacious cancer can be. It came back for a grudge match and this time it was the victor.

     Ernest Gautron's passion for life was matched only by his love for his boys and for my aunt. They married in 2016 but had been getting closer and closer since 2007. He relished new experiences and chased life with great zeal. I only talked to him on occasion and only during family gatherings. Luckily we had many of those. When he talked with you he gave you his full attention and you got the sense that he enjoyed talking with you. He was deeply spiritual and I'd like to think he got fast-tracked into Les Cieux as soon as he passed on.

     The celebration was well-attended; clearly this man had made deep impressions on so many others. His family graced the podium and told stories about his life. It was a lovely afternoon. I got to see many of my relatives - my memère having sent out the all-call to our extended family letting them know about the celebration. It's tragic that I only get to see the extendeds during weddings or funerals. Why is this the way it works?

     I call Ernest my aunt's second husband because I remember her first husband as my uncle. I am a little fuzzy on how divorce works in the uncle department but my childhood remembers him as my uncle. I preferred Ernest - let's be real there - but I just cannot call him uncle. Don't ask me why. Maybe a faulty wire somewhere in my head. Anyway, that was how I spent my afternoon. It was a beautiful day for a funeral - clear sky overhead and not too warm. The church parking lot was crazy packed but I managed to find a place to park.

     Three more weeks before the end of the school year. Sigh.


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