
Saturday, March 29, 2025

Au revoir, ma maman

 She died on the 27th. Not long after I posted the previous entry, the hospice called. I got there as soon as I could. This saga has had many surreal moments. Spending time with my mother after she passed was (probably) the final moment. The staff at Grace Hospice are caring and attentive; not just to the residents but to their families as well.

  So... yeah. Now mi hermana and I have the celebration of life to plan out. Lots of details in the process of life after someone has died. We met yesterday with someone who has been through this process and they gave us plenty of answers. Yeah... lots of phone calls and meetings ahead still.

  I won't lie. This past 7 months has been heartbreaking and difficult. How can we not feel anything but relief? What I am having a hard tme with is the outpouring of sympathy and offers to help from people who refused to give a damn about our feelings (or our mother's) while we struggled through this odyessy of grief. You offer to help and listen to us now? Where the plumbob were you several months ago?

  Anyway, I'm a little on the infuriated side with some people. Of course, these 'offers' may turn disastrous if accepted. Mom had a plan for her funeral and my sister and I are carrying out her plan; not theirs. Apologies for this very long entry. Been a while since I posted a long piece, eh?

  Besides that, life is okay. I hope you, my two or three followers, are doing well. At least it's Spring Break. Plenty of time to relax and stuff.


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Ending and beginning

 So I finally joined the Duolingo cult. Long may that owl haunt me with ravings to take my language lessons! Duolingo doesn't do Tagalog - what's up with that? The only indigenous language they do have is Navajo - again, what's up with that? So eu sou going to give Porteguese um try. Now I just need a Portuguese keyboard to make that bloody owl happy.

  So... Mom. It's slow but steady. She has not reached the final stage but... we are getting ever closer. My sister and I know what needs to be done once it happens. Anyway, that is all for now.


Friday, March 21, 2025


 No limericks. I could only come up with two (naturally naughty but of very low quality) and quickly lost interest in the idea. Feeling brittle. It's a mix of several thing; Mom, Spring Break being just around the corner (feels like a century away), the kids being extra horrible. All of the above.

 But Friday is here and there's one more week to go. Mom is still kicking but... yeah. Dying takes forever. Been reading as usual. That's all.


Monday, March 10, 2025

Seeking creativity

 But instead I thought about limericks. Next blog post I'll try my hand at the worst limericks I could think of. I promise that these will be horrible. You, my few followers, have been warned. Nice outside. The Ides of March approacheth. Oh, and mi hermana wished me Happy Mar10 day.

 Hey, have-a some pasta! Meanwhile, prices are going up. We know what's to blame. Does not even deserve a 'who'. Simming continues. Reading continues. Life continues.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 So here approcheth another birthday. Another milestone. Probably the whiniest of milestones. Anyway, with Mom being terminal and unable to leave her bed, it's just mi hermana and my brother-in-law treating me to excellent Korean fare. I'm looking forward to it.

 I'm also looking forward to Spring Break. I feel pretty brittle this afternoon. Pretty passive-aggressive at work. It's only Wednesday, too. Whatever. Still reading... nothing new there. Joyce Carol Oates. Meh....

  I am visiting la madre today. Probably won't stay long. Pretty poor headspace right now. Meh.


Friday, February 21, 2025


 It's warming up and the Festival du Voyageur is in full swing. Tons of activities going on at work today. And outdoor recess at long last! Happy kids and delighted staff. Oh, and it's Friday. Can't really complain, can I?

 Mom is being moved to hospice. 1-3 months prognosis. As long as she makes it to her birthday. That's all I can ask for. Longer would be good but the Crab's got a brutal timetable. I'll keep you in th loop as to how thing are in her 'forever home'.

  That's all I have to say. May the two or three folks still following this blog be safe and warm.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 I could also title this post 'no good deed goes unpunished'. But I'll keep the group unnamed because I'm human and this group is not. Anyway, there's hope that my mom will be moved to a hospice soon because the current place is helmed by greedy, worthless inbreds.

 Mom's not dying fast enough, it appears. My sister and I are going to visit her tonight anyway. As long as my power steering behaves itself. Geez, this winter is cruel. That's all.


Friday, January 31, 2025

AI haz benefits?

 So I attended a meeting where we learned that AI can be fun and beneficial. It's all just a matter of using commonsense. That's a rare commodity in this day and age, but still important. Meanwhile, we learned that it's not all Skynet (YET) out in the cloud. AI is not at that level but give the tech a few years and a few more billions and we'll be there.

 Meanwhile, it was a fun meeting. We aired our concerns about AI coming to our division. Hey, the kids already have this stuff down pat. We're just playing catch-up halfheartedly... as usual. But the programs look cool. I'll get down to sharing deets with the staff soon.

 No sims stuff in this post. Here comes the weekend.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Benefits of Tumblr

 Because I do my blogging away from my computer, perhaps I should embrace Tumblr and see if my posting output increases. I've been microblogging for the past few months as it is.

  Not that I plan to fully abandon my blog. My two or three devoted followers might refuse to follow me to Tumblr. Anyway, that was the thought going around in my empty skull.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Point of no return

 Well, that's probably the situation. Mom's in palliative care now. The place looks nice enough. Mi hermana and I are going to visit her this evening.

 I figured out something of a work-around to keep the error code from popping up. Not the most brilliant decision on my part as it's just trying to outrun the inevitable - much like my Mom's situation - but meh.

 Reading a lot of good books lately. That's summat, I guess.


Friday, January 10, 2025

The clock has been wound up

 ...And the ticking has begun. Hopefully things will not wind down for several months but the cancer has reached Usain Bolt speeds. If we are truly fortunate, we'll be able to celebrate Mom's birthday this April.

  Meanwhile, I've been enjoying Goat Simulator 3. TS3 gave me a miserable error code a month or so ago, so I haven't been playing lately. CC car god The Fresh Prince came out with new wheels so I might give the venerable game a go.

  On the book front I tried to appreciate Woolf's 'Orlando' but found it descriptive but dull. Nothing else to say.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Revisiting, but in the deep freeze

 So Mom has gone back to the hospital. Hope for the best, folks. Meanwhile, 2025 is here. Stay safe and warm out there. I go back to work tomorrow. The school year is half over, sorta.