Really, it's all done. Report and newsletter sent, tables labelled, and boxes squared away. Feeling pretty good.
Also, the vet says the bloodwork looks okay. Again, feeling good.
Really, it's all done. Report and newsletter sent, tables labelled, and boxes squared away. Feeling pretty good.
Also, the vet says the bloodwork looks okay. Again, feeling good.
My fault, but it's done. The last time I brought Neko to see the vet was in 2019. Anyway, she's having hairball issues and she's overdue for shots and a physical.
So she went to the vet yesterday. She turns 11 this fall, so the vet sent her to the back to get her bloid tested. Just in case. Also, over the past 4 years or so, she lost some weight. Another reason to test her blood.
They said they'd email the results. So I'm worrying. As is my nature. That's what's going on with me. The end is 48 hours or so away. Wow.
Before long, I'll have some TS3 pics uploaded. Right now, I've five days left. I don't expect to see many students this week. The 6s at work are doing a production of 'Twelfth Night'. It's their teacher's favourite play.
Not much else to say.
It's been a while since I wrote about the stuff I'm reading. Sal Polisi was part of the New York mob. In his book 'The Sinatra club', he tells his story and discusses crime at length. This is summat of a guilty pleasure for me. One thing Polisi comes back to over and over again is that he misses the pre-tech days.
Banks that actually had money stored. Credit cards without the magnetic strip (to say nothing about the chip these days). It's not too bad of a read. Anyway, TGIF amirite?
Cool and exciting title, eh? Rain this morning but it's tapered off. Good. Indoor recess is no less than madness at any time - worse so close to the end of the year. Why am I posting so much after ten months of silence? Ehh.
I may go silent again before long. Anyway, I'm looking forward to doing as little as possible this summer. Stuff to do with TS3 and Albion Online, I guess. Maybe some cooking. Got an idea to make homemade gnocchi this summer.
That's about all.
Three posts in a row? Have I lost what's left of my mind? Bear in mind, this may not last. Anyway, perhaps you'd like to know what I've been doing of late.
Been rediscovering MMOs with Albion Online. Just yesterday I played TS3 for the first time in months. Maybe I'll have more to say later.
Not just the title to a lacklustre R.E.M. album. Then again, after 'Around the Sun', the quality fell off but good. Anyway, it's Tuesday morning and I'm not doing much. I was working on my year end report and I found out that my cataloging output was through the roof this year.
Pretty pleased about that. Anyway, that's all for now.
Ten days. Okay. I know I've been away. Deepest apologies. I really don't have much to say. BYE.