
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Awkwardness, among other things

     I have no idea where this awkward question came from but it hit me at work and it won't leave me alone. How does one introduce a transgendered person to a gathering? Especially if you did not know what their preference was? This might seem archaic on my part but I'm an old hag so it's kinda okay. I just realized you really wouldn't need to bother with titles or the like but a thousand years ago (back in my day) titles like Mr, Mrs, Ms. were a form of respect. There must be a transgendered variation on the theme by now. Maybe I'll look it up one day.

    Anyway, I decided to make up a post because November is slipping through my fingers. Christmas is closing in with swift steps. I know I need to make my list and I was thinking about a thick new comforter for my bed. And an Uno-hand's worth of gift cards. And $$$. Can't go wrong with a list like that. Of course, my family is going to say stuff like 'You need to put more on your list!' My dreams are few and lackluster, you see.

     Friday is almost here. Time for some pics.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Not sowing discord, but...

      Like many people, I'm on a couple of Discord servers. Unlike many people, I'm rarely on them but I paid a visit today to see the two or three people I used to keep in contact with all the time. I'm on Twitter as well but I'm rarely on there either. I love being anti-social.

      I'm following one of the bigger Youtubers and thought about joining this person's Discord server. I've sat in on a couple of their livestreams but I like having conversations with people and that's nigh impossible on a livestream with thousands of people screaming memes and other stuff.

      I know, I know... joining this Youtuber's Discord will probably be no better for me. Not to worry; I'm not allowed to join the Discord. Please permit me a few grumbles, you two or three types who still follow my mindless rambling. I like my privacy and... let's be honest, why join a Discord if I won't be there very much? I don't like giving out my phone number to every bot, click, and spy site. Call me paranoid but there you go. The two servers I'm part of don't ask for a phone number. Why the freshly pressed inferno does this server demand one?

     I dropped this Youtuber's server like it burned me and am considering unsubscribing from both of this person's channels. Just being bitchy on my part, I suppose. I'm too lazy to bother unsubscribing, at any rate.

     Enough yammering. Time for some Sims pics.