
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Party Time!

      Let's break out the booze and have a ball! Thank you, Peggy Lee! I'd long wondered who sang that incredibly depressing song. Anyway, there's supposed to be a little party for some of the local crew in my condo. Just move a couple of cars and Robert est ton oncle! There's supposed to be wine (Hey, Peggy Lee!) and some ginger ale (Yay me!). Just chatting and social distancing, folks! I just need to move my car. In future, I am never going to buy a used car ever again. This might be a sensor issue or it might be a squirrel issue. Damn rodents!

      Anyway, I am currently spending time with the Silmarils and 'The Silmarillion'. Hail to the master, baby! Also, I'm getting some writing done. One of these days, I am going to post one of my projects on my hidden, untitled blog. That was the plan for it back when I created it. One day. Today is the 12th and I start back to work on the 31st. Man, but I cannot wait. That's all for me.


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